1. UK Pitfall
  2. Underworld
  3. Underworld - Vampires Night
  4. Urban Skater


  1. Vbirds
  2. Vegas Poker Deluxe
  3. Victory Lap
  4. Video Poker
  5. Video Poker 1.0.3
  6. Virtual Pilot
  7. V-Rally


  1. Warrior Kitten Shizuka
  2. Warriors Of The Lion
  3. Wax
  4. Wax Snow
  5. Wax Snowboard
  6. WC Cricket
  7. WG Chess 1.0.0
  8. WG Poker 1.0.0
  9. Wheinacts Racer
  10. White Bird
  11. Whitewater Challenge
  12. Wien
  13. Wiggles
  14. Wok WM
  15. WOLF
  16. Woof
  17. Word Terminator
  18. Worker
  19. Worms
  20. Wracer


  1. X-Change
  2. Xcrossing Dice
  3. XIII
  4. Xonix
  5. XSSnowboarding
  6. Xtreme Boxing
  7. xXx


  1. Yahtzee 1.01
  2. Yeti Sports 1
  3. Yeti Sports 2
  4. Yogi Bear
  5. YoYo Fighter


  1. Zapper
  2. ZeroMine60
  3. Zombie Mansion
  4. Zombie Mansion 1.0.2
  5. Zombie Mansion - Full - Java - v1.0.2 - 68kB
  6. Zoo Battle
  7. Zoy
  8. Zoy27s Rescue Mission 1
  9. Zoy27s Rescue Mission 2


  1. M Dessaily Football
  2. Mad Bar
  3. Mafia Wars
  4. Magic Ball
  5. Magic Egg
  6. Magic Game Station
  7. Magic Line
  8. Magic Mine
  9. Magicline
  10. Magnetron
  11. Mahjong
  12. Mahjong School
  13. Mahjong Tower
  14. MahjongN7650
  15. Man. Utd
  16. Marble Miracle
  17. Marbles
  18. Marbles (Trial)
  19. Marbles_trial
  20. Marcel Desailly Pro Soccer
  21. MarsPatrol
  22. MarsRacer
  23. Match'em
  24. Matka
  25. Maximum Blow
  26. Maze Ark
  27. MDoom
  28. MDoom 1.0.0
  29. Meeces
  30. Melons
  31. Meltdown
  32. Memrix
  33. Men In Black 2
  34. Mensch Mach Keinen Arger
  35. Mermaid's Love
  36. Metal Slug
  37. Meteor Storm
  38. Metris
  39. MGS
  40. MGSKarting
  41. MGSkarting_cracked
  42. MGS-Silverball_v1.60
  43. MHKart
  44. Micro Machines
  45. Micro Street Fighter
  46. Microstreetfighter
  47. MidnightChase
  48. MIDP Street Fighter 1.0.0
  49. Midpman
  50. Mighty Sword
  51. Mikis World Vol. 1
  52. Mikis World Vol. 2
  53. Mind Game
  54. Mine Field
  55. Mine Sweeper
  56. Minefield
  57. Mines
  58. MineSweeper
  59. minesweeper3510i
  60. Mini Ninja
  61. MiniGolf
  62. Minigolf Challenge
  63. Mirror_In_Action
  64. MJtower
  65. Mobile Blocks
  66. Mobile Bowling
  67. Mobile Jockey
  68. Mobile Poker Trainer
  69. Mobile RC
  70. Mobile Soccer 3 On 3
  71. Mobile Street Fighter
  72. MobileBlocks
  73. MobileBowling
  74. MobileJockey
  75. MobiQix
  76. Monkey Madness
  77. Monopoly
  78. Monster Ball
  79. Monsterland
  80. Moon Taxy
  81. Moonlight
  82. MoonTaxi
  83. Moorhuhn Kart Racer
  84. Moorhuhn Playsuit (German)
  85. Moorhuhn X
  86. MoorhuhnClassic
  87. Moreco Midlet
  88. Moscowpoly
  89. Moto City
  90. Moto GP
  91. MotoClock
  92. MotoClockCn
  93. MotoGP
  94. MotoGP2
  95. Mountain racer
  96. Msf
  97. MTV Jackass
  98. MTV Roque
  99. MTXUnleashed
  100. M-Type
  101. M-Type 1.0.0
  102. MusicPangPang
  103. MVRPool
  104. MX Unleashed
  105. My Pet
  106. MyGenix
  107. Mypet
  108. Mystic Island


  1. Lancio del Pinguino
  2. Las Damas 17
  3. Leaderboard
  4. Legend of Ninja
  5. Legend Of Ninja 2
  6. Lemonade Tycoon
  7. Light Cycle
  8. Lightcycle
  9. Lines
  10. Lines - Full - Symbian - v1[1].0 - 34kB
  11. Lord Of The Ring
  12. Lord Of The Ring - Return Of The King
  13. Lord Of The Ring - Trivia
  14. Lord Of The Ring - Two Towers
  15. Lord Of The Ring Pinball
  16. Lost Scorpion
  17. LPoker


  1. Kamasutra
  2. Kamasutra Ver. 1.0.0
  3. Kamikaze
  4. Karma Colourclash
  5. Katoo
  6. Katoo3510i
  7. Kick Champion
  8. Kickboxing
  9. Killing Boss
  10. Kitty
  11. Klondike Solitaire
  12. Knight
  13. Kurka Wodna
  14. KX3D Chess
  15. Kyushus Devils


  1. J2MExed 1.0
  2. Jacado Darts
  3. Jam
  4. Janes
  5. JBall
  6. Jedi
  7. Jedi Dash
  8. Jet Ski Mayhem
  9. JetRider
  10. Jetrider.V1.11.21.[Tracebit].(Jar.7650.Nokia)
  11. JetSki Boy
  12. Jeu de Dames
  13. Jewel Hunter
  14. Jewels
  15. Jezz Ball
  16. Julia Channel Strip Cards
  17. Jumping Jack
  18. JumpingJack3510i
  19. Jungle Commando
  20. JustImpact


  1. I Mobs
  2. IA Scissor
  3. Ice Age
  4. Ice Racer
  5. IceAge
  6. IceBlox Java
  7. Icy Pinball
  8. I-Frac
  9. Internet Time
  10. InterstellarFlames
  11. ITanx


  1. HandyBowling
  2. HangOn
  3. Hantro
  4. Helicab
  5. HellsPit
  6. HighwayRacer
  7. HokeyPokey
  8. Hole In 1 Golf
  9. HolyMoley
  10. Horoscope
  11. Horse Course
  12. Horserace
  13. Hot Blooded Fighter
  14. Hotshot
  15. Hoverball
  16. HTetris
  17. Hugo - Follow The Monkey
  18. Hugo Goes Fishing
  19. Hugo In The Snow
  20. Hulk
  21. Hungry Fish
  22. Hunter
  23. Hunter-Hunter


  1. Gadgies Tamagochi
  2. GaeaSoftware.HamsterJim1.0
  3. Galleon Dawn
  4. Gameloft Prince Of Persia
  5. Gameloft Siberian Strike
  6. Gandalf - Aura Zla
  7. Garfield
  8. Garfield - Robocats From Outer Space
  9. Gasol All Star Basket
  10. Gaya
  11. Gecko
  12. Geeks
  13. Gem Jam350i
  14. GemGame
  15. GemJam
  16. Geopod
  17. Ghost
  18. Ghost Planet
  19. GhostBlade
  20. Girl Gamble (XXX)
  21. Girls Slider
  22. Glass Cube
  23. Glasscubetrial
  24. Glider Action
  25. Global Grandprix
  26. GoBoy Roms
  27. Gold Miner
  28. Gold Miner - Demo - Java - v1.2.1 - 26kB
  29. Gold Miner Truim
  30. Golden Warrior
  31. Goldrush
  32. Goom Attack
  33. Gorgy
  34. GothicGraveyard
  35. Governator
  36. Grocery
  37. GulosTale


  1. F1 Monte Carlo
  2. Falling Blocks
  3. Fantasy Warrior
  4. Fantasy Warrior Ver. 104
  5. Farm Racing
  6. Ferrari
  7. Ferrari Experience
  8. FIFA 2003
  9. Fifa 2004 Full ITA
  10. Fight
  11. Finding Nemo
  12. Fireblaster
  13. Fireman
  14. Fish Hunt
  15. Fish Rescue
  16. Fishing King
  17. FishingKing__7650
  18. Fiver
  19. Fiver Ver. 1.0.0
  20. Flinstones
  21. Flip Flop 60
  22. FluxionOverdrive
  23. Fly Motomania
  24. Football
  25. Football3510i
  26. Forbidden Jungle
  27. Forbiddinjungle3510i
  28. Forsaken Fortress
  29. Fortune
  30. Four 3D
  31. Four In A Row
  32. Fox Boxing
  33. Free Fall
  34. FreeCell
  35. Fruit Machine
  36. Fruit Paradise
  37. Fruitly Columns
  38. FruitMachine
  39. FruitMatch
  40. FruityColumns
  41. FruityColumnsFull
  42. FruityMatch
  43. FrunnytheBunny
  44. Fun of Sum
  45. Fun Tetris
  46. Funny Balls
  47. Funtetris


  1. ECheckers
  2. Egg
  3. Electric
  4. Elevator Action
  5. Enigma
  6. Eon The Dragon
  7. Eredita
  8. Erotic Invaders
  9. Euro2004 Ver. 1.1.03
  10. Euro Corner
  11. Euroman
  12. Eurosport Football
  13. EvilDeadPinball
  14. Ex Bubble
  15. ExBubble15
  16. Exbubbledemo
  17. Extreme Air Snowboarding
  18. Extreme Boxing

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