
Ford Street Racing? Simple - it’s essentially a Roger Corman version of Burnout, Project Gotham Racing or Need For Speed. The kids are into souped-up cars and urban speeding, so here’s a bandwagon offering that attempts to offer similar thrills but at a pauper’s price.

Following on from the three previous Ford Racing titles, the first thing you notice about this “street” edition is that there are actually fewer options. Ford Racing 3, while no great shakes in the gameplay department, at least boasted road races, off-road challenges and circuit tracks. By comparison, the rather predictable and limited locations on offer here soon feel repetitive. The paltry selection of eighteen cars also feels lightweight, and doesn’t seem like a great use of the Ford license. You can’t customise or tweak them either, thus removing the fast and furious core appeal of car modding from the equation.

Ford Street Racing’s one glimmer of innovation comes in the form of the Team Racing mode, in which you can control up to three cars in the same race. You can switch between them with a quick prod up or down on the d-pad, thus helping all your cars move up the pack, and pass orders to other cars to block advancing opponents.

