Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone


The first Harry Potter game to reach PC is an enjoyable romp through Harry’s first year adventures. From the moment you set foot in Hogwarts, everything around brings a satisfying sense of familiarity to anyone who knows the world of Harry Potter. The game follows Harry from his arrival in the entrance hall of the wizard school, through all the trials and tribulations of his first exiting year.

Fans will recognize the lofty halls of the grand old building, riddled with hidden rooms and secret passages. Harry’s friends, Ron and Hermione are with you throughout, offering advice and helping to unravel the mystery of the philosopher’s stone. Also appearing are Harry’s arch enemy Draco Malfoy, with his henchmen Crabbe and Goyle, interfering at every turn. Ron Weasley’s brothers Fred and George demonstrate their extensive knowledge of Hogwarts’ secrets by popping out of walls and floors to offer Harry Famous Witches and Wizards Cards. The teaching staff are present and correct, with Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape all making an appearance along with Professors Quirrel, Flitwick and Sprout. Even the ghosts, Nearly Headless Nick, the Bloody Baron and Peeves the Poltergeist haunt the electronic corridors

Adventure, Action

ESRB Rating:
Everyone, for Mild Realistic Violence, Mild Animated Violence

Special Features:
• Classic characters
• Environments from the book
• 3D graphics
• Deadly enemies
• One-player action

• Developer: KnowWonder Digital Mediaworks
• Publisher: EA Games
• Distributor: Ingram Entertainment, Fillpoint




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